Simple Present Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:


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Simple Present Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:
present perfect tense passive voice passive voice past tense present örnekler simple formülü
Simple Present Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + present form of verb”to be” (am, is, are) + past participle of the main verb.

Active cümlenin "nesne"sini "passive" cümlenin öznesi yerine yazdıktan sonra "am, is, are" dan uygun olan eklenir ve esas fiilin 3. hali yazılır.


Active: I read a book.

1. "a book" bu cümlenin nesnesi olduğuna göre "passive" cümleye "a book" ile başlanır,

2. "am, is, are" dan uygun olan "is" eklenir,

3. cümlenin fiili olan "read"in 3. hali olan "read" (read fiilinin 2. ve 3. halleri de yazılış olarak "read" dir. Okunuşlarında farklılık vardır. "ri:d-red-red" gibi).

O halde "I read a book" active cümlesinin passive hali şöyle olur:

Passive: A book is read .

Active: Ben kitap okurum.
Passive: Kitap okunur.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri cümlelerin fiillerine ve nesnelerine dikkat ederek inceleyiniz.

Active: Someone opens the door at eight o’clock.

Passive: The door is opened at eight o’clock.

Active: They invite me to dinner.

Passive: I am invited to dinner.
Present Continuous Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Present Continbuous Tense'deki "Active" bir cümleyi Passive Voice'a çevirmek için active cümlenin nesnesini passive cümlenin öznesi olarak yazdıktan sonra "am, is, are" dan uygun olan cümleye eklenir. "am, is, are" dan sonra "being" ve fiilin 3. hali de eklenerek cümle passive yapılmış olur. Örnek formül şöyle yazılabilir:

Active Cümlenin Nesnesi + is + being + V3


Active: I am reading a book.

Passive: A book is being read by me.

Active: Someone is painting the house.

Passive: The house is being painted by someone.

Active: She is cleaning the blackboard.

Passive: The blackboard is being cleaned by her.

Active: They are introducing us to the director.

Passive: The director is being introduced us or we are being introduced to the director.

Present Perfect Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + have / has + been + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone has opened the door.

Passive: The door has been opened by someone.

Active: The thief has stolen my jeweler.

Passive: My jeweler has been stolen by the thief.

Active: I have finished my homework.

Passive: My homework has been finished.
Simple Past Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + was / were + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone opened the door.

Passive: The door was opened by someone.

Active: They invited me to dinner.

Passive: I was invited to dinner by them.
Past Continuous Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + was /were + being + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone was opening the door.

Passive: The door was being opened by someone.

Active: The doctor was examining the patient.

Passive: The patient was being examined by the doctor.
Past Perfect Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + had + been + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone had opened the door.

Passive: The door had been opened.

Active: He had finished his dinner when I came in.

Passive: His dinner had been finished when I came in.
Simple Future Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + will / shall + be + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone will open the door of the school.

Passive: The door of the school will be opened by someone.

Active: I will read a book.

Passive: The book will be read by me.
Near Future Tense'in "Future Tense'in "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

Subject + am, is, are + going to + past participle of the main verb

Active: Someone is going to elect him as President.

Passive: He is going to be elected as President.

Active: They are going to invite me to dinner.

Passive: I am going to be invited to dinner.

Modal Fillerin "Passive Voice" ile kullanımı:

(Can, Could, Shall, Will, May, Might, Must, Have to, has to, etc.)

“Modal verb” dediğimiz “özel kip ekleri” daima aynı şekilde yazılırlar, yani 2. ya da 3. halleri yoktur ve herhangi bir ek almazlar. “Modal verb” ler ile passive yapılırken “be” de herhangi bir değişikliğe uğramadan kendi haliyle yani “be” olarak yazılır.

Active: Someone can beat Bill.

Passive: Bill can be beaten.

Active: They could keep this food.

Passive: This food could be kept.

Active: They will settle the problem.

Passive: The problem will be settled.


(Ön zarf ekseriya ilk yardımcı fiili takip eder)

Active: They will probably forget it.

Passive: It will probably be forgotten.

Active: I will always wait for you.

Passive: You will always be waited for.

Tenslerin ve modal’ların active cümleden passive cümleye dönüşümleri
Simple Present I study my lesson My lesson is studied (by me) Present Continuous I am studying my lesson My lesson is being studied (by me) Present Perfec I have studied my lesson My lesson has been studied (...) Simple Past I studied my lesson My lesson was studied... Past Continuous I was studying my lesson My lesson was being studied Past Perfect I had studied my lesson My lesson had been studied Future I will study my lesson My lesson will be studied Future Continuous I will be studying my lesson My lesson will be being studied Future Perfect I will have studied my lesson My lesson will have been studied Near Future (going to) I am going to study my lesson My lesson is going to be studied Can I can study my lesson My lesson can be studied Could I could study my lesson My lesson could be studied May I may study my lesson My lesson may studied Might ShouldI might study my lesson My lesson might be studied Should I should study my lesson My lesson should be studied Must I must study my lesson My lesson must be studied Ought to I ought to study my lesson My lesson ought to be studied