Modal verbs farkı nelerdir ?

Bilge Gökçen

Yeni Üye
Modal verbs farkı nelerdir ?
modal verbs model verbs used to would farkı would used to farkı modal be ving

Kimi modal verb yapılar ad ya da yüklem olarak taşıdıkları anlama (can (n) = teneke kutu, have (v) = sahip olmak, May (n) = Mayıs, must (n) = gereklilik, will (n) = irade; vasiyetname) dikkat etmek gerekebilir.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
able to

be (= am / is / are) able to

"Bir şeyi yapabilmek" anlamını taşır.

I am able to run a mile.
Ben bir mil koşabilirim.

They will be able to complete the project on time

She was able to say a few words.

We haven't been able to understand it.

Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + - EbIl- " ile aktarılır.
Can - Can't


a) bir şeyi yapabilmek
Can you speak German ?

b) olasılık
He can be here any moment.

c) izin, rica
Can I leave early ?

Can you turn the volume down ?

Bu kullanımlar (a-c) Türkçeye "yüklem + - EbIl-" ile aktarılır.

sözcüğünün farklı kullanım ve anlamları bulunmakta:

can't stand =
katlanamamak, hoşlanmamak
can't help = kendini tutamamak
can't stand / can't help + Ving

d) Olumsuz sonuç çıkarma
It can't be her. She is much taller.

e) Geçmişe ait olumsuz sonuç çıkarma.
She can't have left earlier.


a) Geçmişte bir şeyi yapabilmek.
I could swim across the lake then.

Tom ..... read and write when he was only 4 years old.
A. can
B. must
C. have to
D. could
E. should

b) olasılık
Perhaps she could answer all the questions.

c) izin, rica
Could you do me a favour ?

d) teklif
Could we meet at around 12 tomorrow ?

e) Sonuç çıkarma
He could be at home. He could be sleeping.

f) Gerçekleşmemiş, geçmişe ait olasılık
I could have passed the test.
had better

had better

Tercih, "olsa iyi olur"

Hadn't we better start rightaway ?

I'd better keep it in a box.

You ..... better see a doctor; you look awful.
A. may
B. would
C. had
D. must
E. should
have to

have (got) to

a) Konuşmacının gerçeklere dayanarak ilettiği zorunluluk.
She has to leave immediately. There is a phone call.

b) Gerekmezlik (= needn't )
You don't have to study at all.

She won't have to go.

We didn't have to buy anything.

Kimi zaman have = sahip olmak yüklemi, have to ile benzer bir şekilde kullanılıyor olabilir. Tümcenin anlamını yanlış anlamamak için dikkat etmek gerekir.
This book has a lot to say. (= This book has a lot of things to say.)

Have to
ile sık karıştırılan bir yapı:

have to do with = have connection with

The wound has healed now; you ..... wear that bandage any longer.
A. ought to
B. will need to
C. don't have to
D. could
E. should

Because of a diversion on the road, they ..... another road while they left the town.
A. had to take
B. have to take
C. must have taken
D. need to take
E. should have taken


a) Olasılık
We may never see that comet again.

b) İzin, rica
You may go.

c) Gelecekte tamamlanması olası eylem.
Many species may have died out by then.

d) Geçmişe ait olası eylem
He may have missed the bus.

e) Geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş olasılık
They may have won the match. They played terribly.

f) may as well = had better
Ayrıca may well kullanımına dikkat! Bu yapıda well sözcüğü pekala, neden olmasın anlamını taşır.

g) Dualar may ile olur. May özneden önce gelir.
May God be with you. (Tanrı seninle olsun)

h) Rağmen anlamı veren tümcelerde (=Concession Clause), devrik yapıda may kullanılabilir.


a) zayıf olasılık
This medicine might have some side effects

b) izin isteme
Might we suggest something ?

c) gelecekte tamamlanması olası eylem
By the year 2.000, you might have died.

Olasılık söz konusu olduğunda dikkat edilmesi gereken bir özellik:

can/may/might + have + V3
bağlama göre past ya da future olabilir.
d) geçmişe ait olası eylem
He might have tried to contact you.

e) geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş olasılık
They might at least have apologized.

f) might as well = had better
Buy a ticket; you ..... the grand prize.
A. might even win
B. could even have won
C. even won
D. need even have won
E. must even win

Farklı anlam ve kullanımlar:

might as well = had better
may / can / could / might well -- pekal
â, neden olmasın


a) konuşmacının zorunlu gördüğü, kendi fikrine dayalı zorunluluk
I don't want her here. She must go. / Onu burada istemiyorum. Gitmeli./Gitmesi şart.

We ..... hurry, or we will be late!
A. must
B. had to
C. should
D. ought to
E. can

b) çok kuvvetli olasılık
There must be a mistake. Check it again.

He must be sleeping. I can hear his snore.

Olasılık söz konusu olduğunda, must sözcüğü açısından bir özellik:

mustn't yerine can't
mustn't be + Ving yerine can't be + Ving
mustn't have + V3 yerine can't have + V3

Your umbrella is wet; it ..... raining outside.
A. must be
B. was
C. can't be
D. might be
E. should be

The lights have gone; a fuse ......
A. will have blown
B. can blow
C. must have blown
D. might blow
E. should blow

c) Yasaklama
You must not take any pictures here.

d) Geçmişte gerçekleşmiş olması olası eylem
He must have missed the bus.