Perfect Infinitive with Auxiliaries - Exercises

Bilge Gökçen

Yeni Üye
Perfect Infinitive with Auxiliaries - Exercises
perfect infinitive exercises perfect infinitive exercise auxiliaries infinitives with auxiliaries exercises
Use the perfect infinitive of the verb in italics with the appropriate auxiliary verb. Phrases in bold type should not be repeated, but their meaning should be expressed by the auxiliary + perfect infinitive.
It is possible that he telephoned while we were out.
He may have telephoned while we were out.
You (thank) him for his present but you didn't.
You should have thanked him for his present.

1 I realized that my house was on fire. ~
That (be) a terrible moment.

2 I saw a ghost last night. ~
You (not see) a ghost: there aren't any ghosts. You (dream) it.
3 It is possible that a child broke the window.
4 You carried it yourself, which was not necessary.
5 I've had a toothache for two days. ~
You (go) to the dentist when it started.
6 There (he) motor-cycle races on the sands but as it is so wet they have been cancelled,
7 As I was standing in the hall your dog bit me. ~
It (not he) my dog; he was with me all day. It (be) my brother's
8 I feel terribly ill today. ~
You (not eat) those mushrooms yesterday. Mushrooms don't agree with you.
9 I wonder why he didn't answer? ~
Possibly he didn 't understand the question.
10 I gave him a tip, which was not necessary.
11 The prisoner (escape) this way, for here are his footprints.
12 You lied to him, which was wrong.
13 I didn't recognize the voice at the other end of the line. ~
It (be) my elder sister; she is often at home at that time. It (not be) my youngest sister
as she is abroad.
14 Someone (cook) a meal here lately; the stove is still hot.
15 I've brought my own sandwiches. ~
You (not bring) them. I have enough for two.
16 The burglar went straight to the safe although it was hidden be picture. ~
Someone (tell) him where it was.
17 The president (unveil) the statue, but he is ill so his wife is doing [FONT=&quot]instead. [/FONT]
18 The plane is late; I wonder what has happened? ~
Possibly it was delayed by fog.
19 I have never met him. ~
You (meet) him; he lives next door to you.
20 I (do) it. (It was my duty to do it, but I didn't.)
21 He (not catch) the 9.20 train because he didn't leave home till 9.
22 I opened it, which was unnecessary.
23 The police were here while we were out. ~
Someone (betray) us.
24 I drove at 80 miles an hour, which was wrong.
25 When I was your age I (climb) that mountain, (but I didn't).
26 If a policeman had seen me climbing through your window he me what I was doing,
27 He said that censorship of news was ridiculous and it (abolish) ago. (passive verb)
28 You boiled so many eggs; but there are only four of us.
29 She (play) the chief part in the film, but she quarrelled with the director, so he engaged
someone else.
30 This poem (be) written by Keats, but I am not certain.
31 He (take) off his hat in the theatre, (but he didn't).
32 People used to walk twenty miles to do their shopping. ~
They (have) a lot of energy in those days.

33 One day he went for a walk up a mountain and never came back. ~
He (fall) over a precipice.

34 I just pressed lightly on the pane and my hand went through. ~
The glass (be) very thin.

35 You translated it into French, which wasn't necessary.
36 You looked at the new moon through glass. It is most unlucky.
Cevap: Perfect Infinitive with Auxiliaries - Exercises

(should is replaceable by ought to.)
1 must have been 2 can't/couldn't have seen, must have dreamt 3 may/might have broken
4 needn't have carried 5 should have gone 6 were to have been 7 can't/couldn't have been, must have been 8 shouldn't have eaten 9 may/might not have understood 10 needn't have given 11 must have escaped 12 shouldn't have lied 13 may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 14 must have cooked 15 needn't have brought 16 must have told 17 was to have unveiled 18 may/might have been 19 must have met 20 should have done
21 can't/couldn't have caught 22 needn't have opened 23 must have betrayed 24 shouldn't have driven 25 could have climbed 26 would have asked 27 should have been abolished
28 shouldn't/needn't have boiled 29 was to have played 30 may/might have been 31 should have taken 32 must have had 33 may/might/could have fallen 34 must have been
35 needn't have translated 36 shouldn't have looked
Cevap: Perfect Infinitive with Auxiliaries - Exercises

Instructions: as for Exercise 73, but where two verbs in italics are placed side by side, put the second verb into the perfect infinitive and the first into an appropriate tense.
This palace (say) (build) in three years.
This palace is said to have been built in three years.

1 She (marry) my brother but she was killed in a plane crash a month before the wedding
2 You repeated it, which was unnecessary.
3 There (seem) (be) a fight here. Everything is smashed to bits.
4 We (set) out today, but the weather is so bad that we decided to postpone our start till
5 I thought they were mushrooms. ~
You (not eat) them unless you were sure. They (be) poisonous.

6 He learnt the language in six months. ~
He (work) very hard.

7 I brought my umbrella, which was unnecessary.
8 I (like) (bathe) but there wasn't time.
9 I've forgotten the address. I (write) it down (but I didn't).
10 If I'd known your house was so cold I (not come).
11 You (tell) me you were going camping! If I'd known I (go) with you.-
But it rained all the time. You (not like) that, would you?

12 Who gave you my address? ~
I don't remember. It (be) Tom. ~
It (not be) Tom; he doesn't know it.

13 You bought flowers but we have plenty in the garden.
14 After two years of his teaching she knew absolutely nothing. ~
He (not be) a good teacher.

15 My sister has just come back from abroad. She (seem) (enjoy) her trip very much.
16 Life (be) very uncomfortable in the Stone Age.
17 You (stand) still when you were being photographed, (but you didn't).
18 I (go) to a foreign university but the war prevented it.
19 I (like) (photograph) it but I had no more film.
20 There (he) a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass.
21 It is possible that prehistoric cave drawings were connected with religion.
22 I have been driving for 20 years. ~
You (not drive) for 20 years. You are only 30 now.

23 It (take) years to dig the Suez Canal.
24 He walked past me without speaking. ~
He (not recognize) you. He is very short-sighted.

25 I (like) (go) to the match but the tickets were all sold.
26 He says he saw you at the theatre yesterday. ~
He (not see) me. I wasn't there.

27 This picture may be a fake: on the other hand it (be) painted by one of the Dutch masters.
28 It is possible that the fire in the ship was started by a bomb.
29 She walked 300 miles, carrying her child. ~
She (have) great courage.

30 It is possible that he (read) it in the papers. ~
He (not read) it. He can't read. Someone (tell) him.

31 I told them to meet me under the clock but they didn't turn up.
Perhaps they were waiting under the wrong clock. There are two in
the station.

32 He told me his name was Johnson. ~
You (mishear) him. His name is Jones.

33 I said that I couldn't find my pen and he said that perhaps somebody had borrowed it.
34 I (like) (ask) a question but I was sitting so far back that I didn't think I'd be heard.
35 There (be) a fort here at one time. You can see where the foundations were.
36 The dinosaur (be said) (be) rather a stupid animal.
Cevap: Perfect Infinitive with Auxiliaries - Exercises

(I'd is replaceable by I should, should (obligation) is replaceable by ought to in nos. 5, 9, 13, 17. may/might in the affirmative is normally replaceable by could.)
1 was to have married 2 needn't have repeated 3 seems to have been 4 were to have set out 5 shouldn't have eaten, may/might have been (may indicates that the danger is still present; might that it is over). 6 must have worked 7 needn't have brought 8 I'd like
to have bathed/I'd have liked to bathe/I'd have liked to have bathed 9 should have written 10 wouldn't have come 11 might/should have told, would have gone, wouldn't have liked 12 may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 13 needn't/shouldn't have bought

14 can't/couldn't have been 15 seems to have enjoyed 16 must have been 17 should have stood 18 was to have gone 19 I'd like to have photographed/I'd have liked to photograph/I'd have liked to have photographed 20 must have been 21 may/might
have been 22 can't/couldn't have been driving 23 must have taken 24 may/might not have 25 I'd like to have gone/I'd have liked to go/I'd have liked to have gone 26 can't/couldn't have seen 27 may have been 28 may/might have been started 29 must have had

30 may/might have read, can't/couldn't have read, must have told 31 may/might have been waiting 32 must have misheard 33 might have borrowed 34 I'd like to have asked/I'd have liked to ask/I'd have liked to have asked 35 must have been 36 is said to have been